Ask Me Anything Mondays

Traditional vs. Self-Publishing

By Steven Pressfield |

Our question today is from Jason K: Twenty years ago, if you had access to the current generation of self-publishing options, how would you have used them? This is the last question from our session we recorded a few weeks ago. Stay tuned for our next podcast, Organizing a Day, Organizing a Year. We’ll be sending it out in its entirety to First Look Access members Jan. 1 and releasing one question per week here on the blog.

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The Industry

By Steven Pressfield |

This week’s question comes from Jason Kraus. He asks … What is the most challenging part of dealing with the publishing industry (besides actually getting published)?

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Unpublished Authors’ Mistakes

By Steven Pressfield |

[A few technical notes before we get into this Monday’s podcast. We are currently offering four ways to get your podcast fix. You can stream the podcast directly here on the blog, you can download the file to your computer (see the little download button on the bottom left of the player), you can read the transcript, or you can subscribe to us on SoundCloud. SoundCloud also offers apps for Android and Apple devices, so if you subscribe to Black Irish Books on SoundCloud new episodes will appear automatically on your phones or tablets. And now on with the show.]…

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How the Story Will End

By Steven Pressfield |

The second question in our Ask Me Anything Mondays series comes from Petra Miersch. Do you always know exactly how the story will end? What do you do when you do not know the end? You can also download a PDF transcript of the recording session. If you’re just tuning in, these questions are pulled from a longer podcast that I recorded with Shawn based on your questions. It’s not too late to get involved, sign up for our First Look Access to get in on the action.

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Foolscap Anything

By Steven Pressfield |

I’m excited to announce we have a new series to add to the blog! When we were promoting The Authentic Swing we asked for questions you’d like Shawn and I to answer in an hour long podcast. We received an overwhelming number of great questions, over 250 of them, and in that first hour only made it through about a dozen. So Shawn and I got back on Skype and decided to start recording more. This space on Mondays will be for short audio clips—however long it takes for us to answer just one question. If you’ve already signed up…

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